Tuesday, April 19, 2011

assignment update 4-19-11

Math - my class has lesson 100 for tomorrow. We are going to do the Investigation tomorrow and the test will be on Thurs. Mr. Anders' class has corrections
Spelling - they have a list and a project for Friday
Social Studies - they have a take home evaluation worksheet for Soc. St. it is due on Thurs. They can use their notes, they can use the book, they can ask the person in their group who had the topic they need help on. Any resource is permissible to answer the questions.
Writing Workshop - they turned in their papers today, and they started a new project, but I don't know if their is an assignment or not. If there is one it will be due Tues. not this Friday.

Reading - WS 142 is due tomorrow and the book report is due on Friday or Thurs. if leaving early.
Science - WS 2 needs to be complete if it wasn't done on Mon.
Art - anything needed for tie dying needs to be brought tomorrow or they won't be able to participate.

Church is on Thurs this week not tomorrow.

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