Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday note 9-13-10

Well we are in the 3rd week of school and things should be taking shape as to routine and work. Just a couple of thoughts. First of all the homework folder. Remember the first 2 pockets "Notes home, notes return" and "Graded homework" are the 2 pockets you should empty they have information for you. The other pockets check for what an assignment looks like or if it is completed, but don't take out anything unless your child is present. As the classroom schedule is becoming a reality, you may need to help or remind your child about work planning. It looks like Mon., and Thurs are going to be some heavy assignment days. But, not all of the assignments are due the next day. They need to work according to what is due the next day and then look at the work that is due the following day. They do not have to do everything that was assigned on the night it was assigned. It needs to be done before the day it is due. Thank you for your attendance at Curriculum night. We get to enjoy ice cream with Mr. Petzold on Friday afternoon.

Your child should be working on the 2nd commanment this week, if they are going to do one Monthly Memory a week. Some have completed several memories. If your child hasn't done any they need to get going. There are no test yet this week, it appears a math test will show up next week and possibly something in Social Studies. Friday's memory is Ps. 145:3 on page 11 in the religion book. Remember I plan these memories based on the length in the religion book, the Bible may be a little longer.

Volleyball games start this week. There are 2 home games on Mon. and Tues. They got moved together because the 6th grade is going to Outdoor Ed on Wed till Fri. The schedule says there is practice on Wed to Fri but check since the 6th grade will be gone. Soccer starts Tues at 4:15 till 5:30 or maybe 6:00 I don't know for sure. Mr. Bill Auther is the coach.

I can't think of any other at the moment, so I will conclude that is all for this week, check the assignment update on the blog for daily assignments.

In His Service,
Deanna Hollrah

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