Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday newsletter 3-28-11

General I hope all of you enjoyed to 3 day weekend. I enjoyed the teachers conference for LEA in Cincinnati. We are moving steadily into the 4th and last quarter of the year. Please keep reminding your child school goes to the end of the year not till the weather turns nicer. This is a relatively normal week. We probably won't have Spanish tomorrow, Ms Abate's mother passed away from cancer last Friday. The funeral was today. Friday is a dress down day. I don't know what the money is going for, just that it is a dress down day. Next month about the middle are the achievement tests. Easter is at the end of the month. Don't forget to return the report card "quarter" slip and the envelope by Friday. The Social Studies test should be in by tomorrow. They will get their Science and English tests this week sometime. Work Memory for Friday is Col. 3:13 on page 83. There will be a spelling test on Friday this week also and the list and project will be given to them on tomorrow. There will be a test on Ch. 6 in Social Studies on Wed. (we are switching Soc. St. and Sci. again) It is on the 13 colonies - who were the leaders settling them and why they were settled. I explained this to the class as to what they need to know. Everything they need is on the maps and the charts that are below the maps. We are starting Adverbs in English and later in the week we will be starting a chapter on Matter in Science. There will be a Math test on Friday this week. I am going to talk about lesson 87 but not do the work. There will be several other lessons that we will not do so we get the necessary lessons done by the end of the quarter. Thurs. is the end of the month and book reports and monthly memory are due then. Sports Sign up sheets have been put up for track. The 5th and 6th compete as a team. I haven't heard any information about practices. The meets are in May. There are 3 major meets on the Sat. in May and June. They are the League meet, Regional meet and the State meet. Sometimes there are some invitationals during the week but not very many. That is all for today. In His Service, Deanna Hollrah

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