Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday newsletter 5-16-11

The walk-a-thon is this Friday. I need all the pledges in by Thurs. so we can see if we met our classroom goal. Also I need to turn in the $100 pledgers on Thurs. so they can be considered for the prize drawings. The money can be turned in early like this week or it can be sent in next week. We are all wearing our "Big Fish" t-shirts and they can wear dress down pants. Please make sure your child wears good walking shoes for walking the 5 miles. We are walking first and doing prizes and so forth at 10:30 or so. Dismissal is at 11:30 or so. Come and join us for walking or helping or watching the prizes being distributed. Don't forget I need permission slips yet from some of you for the Lansing field trip. I need to hear from some of you for midterms also. They were due on Friday. It is a token a day for anyone still late. Don't forget the Fine Arts Festival is a week from Wed. May 25th from 6:30 to 8:00 everyone needs to attend.

There will be no Friday memory this week since Friday is not a regular Friday work day. There will be a spelling list tomorrow and the test will be next Tues. That will be the last spelling list for the year. The Science test was returned today. Please sign it or send in a note for that by next Mon. The English test needs your response by Thurs. of this week. All library books are due this Thurs. If your child is using a library book they need to get the information they need for the book report by Thurs. With no Friday memory this week or next week (no Friday next week either) it is an excellent time to work on Monthly Memory. It is due on May 31. If people are writing the morning of May 31 they will have to sit up in the front of the bus until we are heading to Lansing and wait for me to grade it. If they pass it they can sit with their classmates at that time. If they don't they stay and work on it. The best choice is to set May 26th as the end date for the Monthly Memory. Book reports are not due until Wed. June 1st.

I heard the Track Meet went well this past Sat. This coming Sat is the Regional Meet at Lutheran High North. This Wed is the Athletic Banquet. It starts at 6:00 with a light meal, then the awards are given. It lasts till about 8:30 or so. As 5th graders they will receive a Trinity Letter "T" as well as a medal or something for each sport they participated in this school year. This does include cheerleading. If you can not attend, the awards will be kept and given to your child at school on Thurs. Hopefully you remember if you are bringing a dessert or 2 liters of pop.

As the school year comes to a close we will be doing academic things through June 3rd. Any final assignments will be collected on Friday June 4th. With so many extra exciting things going on, please remind your child that it is still school and that work still needs to be completed. Let's make the end of the year as good and productive as the beginning.

That is all for today
In His Service,
Deanna Hollrah

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